- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)10-0033-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:国家科技支撑计划重点项目(2006BAJ14B06);建设部软科学研究项目(2008-R5-19);南京市建委科研基金(宁建综字<2007>733);东南大学重大科技项目培育资助基金(9201000000)。
- 作者简介:杨俊宴,男,东南大学建筑学院副教授,硕导,博士后;
- 国际方案征集后的设计整合——以南京浦口中心地区为例
- Design Integration After Call for International Programs: A Case Study of Pukou Central Area in Nanjing
- 浏览量:
- 杨俊宴 阳建强 周慧
- YANG Jun-yan YANG Jian-qiang ZHOU Hui
- 摘要:
随着城市发展的加速和城市设计工作的日益国际化,国际方案征集逐渐成为业界常见的投标程序,但是在投标后如何融合各国的设计方案,纳入我国建设控制体系,形成能真正实施的建设控制手段,需要大量的研究与整合工作,这些工作不同于单独完成一项设计工作。文章以南京浦口中心地区为例,详细介绍国际方案征集后的综合整合,提出了整合设计过程中应着重解决的要点与难点。 - 关键词:
国际方案征集;中心区;设计整合; - Abstract: With the acceleration of urban development and the growing internationalization in urban design work, international programs’ collecting has become a common bidding method. But how to integrate the designs, how to bring them into our building control system, and how to form the construction control methods which could be implemented really, these work required a lot of research and integration work which is different from a design completed alone. Taking Pukou central area of Nanjing as an example, this article described the comprehensive integration after call for international programs in detail, and proposed the key and difficult points in the integrated process.
- Key words: call for international programs; central area; design integration
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