- 管理
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)10-0067-07
- 中图分类号:N39 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:陈定荣(1964-),男,南京市规划局,规划编制处处长,高级规划师,国家注册城市规划师;
- 平台·通道·流转·服务——基于城市规划行政管理部门信息资源体系建设的研究
- Platform, Channel, Flow and Service: The Research of the Construction of Information Resource System of Urban Planning Administration
- 浏览量:
- 陈定荣 屠定敏 崔蓓
- CHEN Ding-rong TU Ding-min CUI-Bei
- 摘要:
本文在全面分析和充分认识城市规划行政管理部门信息资源流转过程的各个环节及其主要问题的基础上,针对城市规划源数据的管理,数据流转通道、平台的建设和应用,数据流转体系的建立以及数据信息的共享和服务进行了一系列的分析和研究,以期通过城市规划信息资源体系的建设,最终形成 “以基础地理数据为支撑、以政策法规规章为指导、以编制成果数据为依托、以审批结果数据为参考”的规划工作框架,真正实现城市规划事业“图文管理一体化、信息资源共享化、流转更新实时化、数据管理人性化和政务办公电子化”。 - 关键词:
城市规划行政管理部门;信息资源;平台;数据流转;共享; - Abstract: After a full analysis and recognition of various nodes and main issues in the operation of the information resource system for urban planning administration, we made a series of analysis and researches on the management of supply data, data flow channels, the construction and application of the platform, the establishment for the data flow and the share and service of the data information. The construction for information resource system of urban planning administration will help form a kind of planning work structure which will be supported by basic geographical data, guided by policy and regulations, depended on the planning achievements and take the approval data as reference, and finally realize the unified-management for graphics and documents, share of information resource, information flow and update in real-time, humanity management for data and digitalized administration.
- Key words: urban planning administration; Nanjing; information resource; platform; data flow; share; service
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