- 空间发展
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)10-0080-12
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:本文得到南京城市总体规划修编-“南京城市空间演变与发展布局专题研究”项目的资助。
- 作者简介:官卫华,男,规划师,南京市城市规划编制研究中心战略规划所所长,中国科学院研究生院、中国科学院南京地理与湖泊所博士研究生;
- 转型发展视角下南京城市东部地区空间发展战略研究
- The Urban Spatial Strategy in the Eastern Region of Nanjing Based on Transformation of Urban Growth Mode
- 浏览量:
- 官卫华 陈雯
- GUAN Wei-hua CHEN Wen
- 摘要:
南京城市空间呈现出快速化增长的势头,在空间功能逐步得到优化配置、战略重点更为明确的同时,但开发时序仍不够清晰,存在分散建设、投资集中度和规模效益不高的问题。今后考虑到环境容量的约束性和城市发展的结构性矛盾,南京城市空间增长亟待转型。基于当前的宏观经济形势和政策趋向以及激烈的区域竞争态势等多重发展背景,南京城市东部地区必将成为南京城市空间增长的重要战略空间和弹性空间。本文对其发展回顾与评价、现状分析、发展战略及实施建议等进行了深入的分析和探讨。 - 关键词:
转型发展;空间发展战略;指状增长;生态廊道; - Abstract: Urban space has achieved rapid growth in Nanjing during the recent decade, while the city’s function has been optimized and reasonably allocated. However, the developmental order and emphasis is still not clear, and there exists some serious issues, such as dispersive construction and low scale benefit. Thus, according to the constraint of environmental carrying capacity and the structural contradict of urban development, it is necessary to transform urban growth mode. Based on current background including macro-economic and policy trend and drastic regional competition, Nanjing eastern region will be an important strategic and flexible space for the future development. The authors review and assess the actuality of this region, and then specifically present urban spatial strategies to promote the regional development.
- Key words: transformation of urban growth mode;spatial strategy; finger growth, ecological corridor, Nanjing;Eastern Region
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