- 保障性住房政策建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)10-0007-09
- 中图分类号:F293.3 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:浙江省社科联课题(2009XZ01);中国博士后基金项目(20080430210)。
- 作者简介:黄辉玲(1973-),女,浙江大学在站博士后,黑龙江科技学院副教授,主要研究为土地资源管理、保障性住房政策研究;
- 浙江省保障性住房“内循环”制度实施现状调查、评价、原因及对策
- The "Inner Cycle" System of Indemnificatory Housing in Zhejiang Province: Survey, Evaluation, Analysis and Strategies
- 浏览量:
- 黄辉玲 吴次芳
- HUANG Hui-ling WU Ci-fang
- 摘要:
保障性住房退出制度的实施效果可以认为是低效、无效。本研究试图通过实地的调研、访谈来呈现保障性住房“内循环”制度实施的微观图景,评价制度实施绩效,获取主体的行为影响因素和微观行为环境,探究制度异常实践的原因,再提出制度优化措施,希冀完善保障性住房的运作机制。 - 关键词:
保障性住房“内循环”制度;现状;原因;对策; - Abstract: The implementation effect of the security housing withdrawal system was inefficient and ineffective in China. This study tried to exhibit a micro-sight of the practice about the “inner cycle” institution of security housing by means of interview and in-site nvestigation, and then evaluated the institution implementation performance. After acquired various factors which influenced the action of the subject and surveyed micro-behavior setting, the reason of strange institution practicing was analyzed. As last, the strategies to optimize the security housing withdrawal system were introduced. The aim of this study is to promote perfecting the mechanic of the security housing in China.
- Key words: security housing “inner cycle” institution; current condition; reason; strategies
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