- 区域
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)10-0060-07
- 中图分类号:F290;TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:朱菁(1982-),女,西安建筑科技大学建筑学院,博士生,研究方向:城市规划理论与方法;
- 国外区域一体化实践对我国区域一体化的启示——以西咸一体化为例
- Revelations from Foreign Regional Integration to Xi’an-Xian Yang Integration
- 浏览量:
- 朱菁 张沛 张中华
- ZHU Jing ZHANG Pei ZHANG Zhong-hua
- 摘要:
《关中—天水经济区发展规划》提出加快推进“西咸一体化”建设,着力打造西安国际化大都市,由此,西咸一体化上升到了区域战略的高度。文章首先对西咸一体化的历史与现状进行分析,然后从发展模式、发展动力和区域协调机制三个方面总结国外区域一体化实践经验,在此基础上提出国外区域一体化实践对西咸一体化在发展理念、核心原则、开发运作要点和规划设计策略四方面的启示。 - 关键词:
区域一体化;西咸一体化;经济一体化; - Abstract: “The Development Planning of Guan Zhong-Tian Shui Economic Zone” points out that Xi’an-Xian Yang integration should be speeded up in order to build Xi’an an international metropolis, which puts Xi’an-Xian Yang integration a regional strategy. Based on this situation, the history and current background of Xi’an-Xian Yang integration is introduced, and the experiences of foreign regional integration are analyzed through the growth mode, growth power and regional cooperation mechanism. Therefore, the revelations inspired by experiences of foreign regional integration to Xi’an-Xian Yang integration are inferred under growth ideas, key principles, development points and planning strategies.
- Key words: regional integration; Xi’an-Xian Yang integration; economic integration
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