- 城市转型发展
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)11-0023-06
- 中图分类号:F719 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:南京市2010年社科咨询重大课题“现代服务业发展与城市转型升级的对策研究”(课题负责人:李程骅)的阶段性成果。
- 作者简介:吴海瑾,南京市社会科学院经济所副研究员;
- 现代服务业:城市转型的新动力系统
- On the Development of Modern Service Ind ustry and Transformation of Urban Development
- 浏览量:
- 吴海瑾 李程骅
- 9U Hai-jin LI Cheng-hua
- 摘要:
城市转型发展的内涵和趋势是城市产业空间的重构和趋于服务化。作为带动城市现代经济体系发展的重要增长极,服务业的规模效应、外部效应和创新效应正在引起城市的经济结构的变化、城市空间要素的优化以及城市功能的提升,从而推动实现城市的转型发展。为了实现现代城市的转型发展,必须促进城市现代服务业的发展,从四个方面探讨了转型期中国城市推进服务业发展的治理措施。 - 关键词:
城市转型;现代服务业;规模效应;外部效应;创新效应; - Abstract: With the rapid development of urbanization in China the development model of city must shift from extensive development to intensive development. The paper expounds the basic content of China’s urban transformation, summarizes that China’s urban transformation is a process of urban spatial optimization. As an important growth group of cities’ economic system, the scale, external and innovation effects of agglomeration areas not only restructure the urban space, but also play an important role in the urban spatial development through creating urban landscape, reviving historical surrounding, urban functions and replacing the industrialized space. To promote the formation of service industry agglomeration, the article suggests four relevant policy recommendations.
- Key words: transformation of urban development; modern service industry; scale effects; external effects; innovation effects
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