- 城市转型发展
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)11-0012-05
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:代伟国(1975-),男,硕士,重庆市规划设计研究院城乡发展战略研究所,研究员,工程师;
- 转型时期城市公共空间规划与建设策略
- The Urban Public Space Planning and Construction Strategy in the Era of Social Transformation
- 浏览量:
- 代伟国 邢忠
- DAI 9ei-guo XING Zhong
- 摘要:
现阶段我国社会转型的本质就是社会经济和物质空间的秩序重构,转型时期公共空间的矛盾来源于社会,又反作用于社会。针对社会与空间之间这种循环往复、彼此影响的问题,提出了“社会——空间”互动的工作思路和“公共利益——公共政策——公共空间”逐层引导的策略路径,明确了修正公共空间建设的价值观、建立空间和社会良性互动的机制、把空间规划上升为公共政策的策略性主张,并提出对公共空间进行系统整合、内部完善、外部耦合的应对措施。 - 关键词:
社会转型;城市公共空间;规划策略;建设策略; - Abstract: At present, the essence of social transformation in China is the order reconstruction of social economy and material space. During the transformation, the conflict of public space comes from the society, and counteracts to the society. Aiming at the problem of circulation and interaction between society and space, the interactive working thoughts of “society-space” and the guiding strategies of “public benefit-public policy-public space” are raised. Revising the value of public space, constructing the interactive mechanism between “society-space” are clear, and converting the spatial planning to public policy. Finally the strategy to conform the system, inner perfect and outer couple of public space is given.
- Key words: social transformation; urban public space; planning strategy; construction strategy
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