- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)11-00057-05
- 中图分类号:X31; TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:史大联(1967—),男,研究生学历,理学硕士,广西城乡规划设计院,规划分院副院长,高级城市规划师,注册城市规划师。
- 特大城市近郊乡镇总体规划初探——以南宁市为例
- The Preliminary Study on Overall Planning of Townships within Inner Suburban Area of a Large City: A Case Study of Nanning
- 浏览量:
- 史大联
- SHI Da-lian
- 摘要:
乡镇总体规划存在编制主体模糊、规划方法和目标定位较随意、空间布局依附性及利益协调复杂性等特征。具体到南宁市近郊乡镇总规,主要面临发展竞争性、规划被动性与反复性、条块分割、主从关系、利益分歧等基本矛盾。论文还从优化编审组织形式、规划内容方法务实创新、新形势下条块利益协调及多层面推动城乡统筹等方面进行了借鉴与探索。 - 关键词:
南宁;近郊乡镇;总体规划;条块分割;利益协调;规划创新; - Abstract: The overall planning of townships bordering large city shares a series of features such as inconsistency of planning guidelines, uncertainty of development goals, spatial patterns mainly depending on central city, and difficulty in coordinating varied interest groups, as shown in the case of Nanning. The paper further discusses the optimization and innovation of planning methods, the coordination of the development plans among different parties, and diversifies ways promoting urban & rural integration, and so on.
- Key words: Nanning; master planning; strip and block segmentation; interest coordination; planning innovation
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