- 创新研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)12-0078-06
- 中图分类号:F120.4 文献标识码:a
- 作者简介:马强(1972-),黑龙江齐齐哈尔市人,东南大学经济管理学院博士研究生。研究方向为产业经济,创新管理;
- 长三角城市创新资源分布动力机制研究
- On the Distribution of Impetus Mechanism of Innovation Resources of the Cities in Yangtze River Delta
- 浏览量:
- 马强 杨东辉
- MA Qiang YANG Dong-hui
- 摘要:
长三角城市具备了较好的创新环境,其创新投入逐年增加,创新资源重点分解为财力和人力两种,探讨长三角城市创新资源配置的空间分布现状获得的主要结论是长三角城市创新研发资源规模总量多年来在全国雄踞榜首,但局部规模和结构不均衡。论证结果表明, 从长三角城市创新资源的分布看,经济发展固有的规律和政府主导配置的现象并生,共同构筑了创新资源分布的内在机制,理解和把握科技资源分布的内在规律并寻找其与政府配置行为内在规律的共同交融点,通过科学的制度安排,可以有望很好地实现两者的结合。 - 关键词:
长三角城市;创新资源;资源分布;塞尔指数; - Abstract: The cities in Yangtze River Delta are now facing a sound environment for innovation with the annual input of resources steadily increasing. By viewing innovation resources in the angles of finance and human resource, the state of the innovation resources allocation is discussed. The main conclusions are as follows: First, the whole amount and scale of the Delta’s innovation resources have been ranking the top in China for consequent years, but some parts are nonequilibrium. In the view of the distribution status, the set rules of economic development and the government-oriented allocation take effects together, which deduce the inner mechanism. To recognize and master the inner rules of distribution mechanism, and to find the mergence of the two sites can tie them perfectly with scientific institution arrangement.
- Key words: Yangtze Delta Cities; innovation resources; resources distribution; Thail Index
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