- 地下空间
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)12-0062-09
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:江苏省第六批“六大人才高峰”资助项目;住房和城乡建设部2009年学科技术项目计划(2009-K1-4)。
- 作者简介:季翔(1961-),男,徐州建筑学院副院长、教授、教授级高级建筑师,国家一级注册建筑师,研究方向:现代建筑艺术、技术及交叉学科研究,建筑节能技术研究,可持续发展建筑环境艺术设计研究;
- 关于城市地下空间开发利用的若干思考
- Reflecting the Development and Utilization of Urban Underground Space
- 浏览量:
- 季翔 孙琪琦 田国华
- JI Xiang SUN Qi-qi TIAN Guo-hua
- 摘要:
为了解决城市所面临的人口、资源、环境危机,城市必须走可持续发展道路,而开发利用地下空间则成为历史的必然选择。近年来,我国地下空间的开发利用依托轨道交通建设,取得了巨大的成就,但因缺乏整体规划体系的指导与管理,也出现了许多问题。本文旨在以专业的视角,来探讨地下空间开发利用的规划原则和布局特征,以期有更多的建筑师参与地下空间的开发利用。 - 关键词:
地下空间;开发利用;规划原则;布局特征; - Abstract: City must take the sustainable development road in order to solving the crisis of population, resources and environment that the city is confronted, it is the inevitable choice of history to exploit the underground space. In recent years, the development and utilization of urban underground space has got great success based on rail construction in China, but many problems still existed because of the lacking guidance and management of the overall planning system. The uthors of this paper discussed professionally the planning principles and composition features of the development and utilization of urban underground space, expecting more architects to take part in the development and utilization of urban underground space.
- Key words: underground space; development and utilization; planning principles; composition features
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