- 规划研究
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)12-0024-05
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:李晓刚(1972-),男,硕士研究生,厦门市城市规划设计研究院,工程师,中国城市规划学会会员。
- 城市综合体布局规划研究——以厦门为例
- The Layout and Planning of Urban Complex:A Case Study of Xiamen
- 浏览量:
- 李晓刚
- LI Xiao-gang
- 摘要:
伴随着国内各地区城市建设的发展,城市人口、城市就业变化下带来的出行模式以及出行需求也在发生着改变。作为城市商业地产开发建设的新模式,“城市综合体”正在国内各经济发达地区建设使用。然而现实是城市综合体往往由商业策划机构进行单体设计,很少从规划角度进行总体分析研究。本文以厦门市为例,从分析城市综合体现状入手,借鉴国内其他城市提出的商业功能区设置标准,确定城市综合体设置标准;最终结合厦门市轨道交通线网规划,提出厦门市城市综合体布局规划以及实施思路。 - 关键词:
城市综合体;布局规划;研究; - Abstract: Accompanying the development of urban construction all around the China, the travel mode and travel need brought by the changing of urban population and city employment is also changing. As the new mode of city commercial real development and construction, “urban complex” (UC) is widely used in the commercial developed areas in China. However, UC is often designed by business planning agencies today, and the results designed by those agencies are short of overall analysis from planning perspective. This paper takes Xiamen as an example, by analyzing the current situation, and taking the standard to setting commercial areas provided by other cities as reference, brings out the standard for the UC of Xiamen. Based on the city metro transaction net planning of Xiamen, the paper presents the layout and planning of Xiamen UC and advices of implement.
- Key words: urban complex; layout and planning; study
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