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- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)12-0055-07
- 中图分类号:F127 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:刘文俭,男(1963-),籍贯:山东新泰市,中共青岛市委党校管理教研部副主任、教授、硕士生导师;中国城市经济学会常务理事、副秘书长,专家委员会产业经济组专家。主要研究领域:城市经济与公共管理。
- 特色街区建设与城区发展问题研究——青岛“市北现象”探析与借鉴
- The Featured Block Construction and the Urban Area Development: The Analysis and Reference on the North District, Qingdao City
- 浏览量:
- 刘文俭
- LIU Wen-jian
- 摘要:
特色街区是城区特色经济和服务业发展的重要载体。青岛市市北区以特色街区建设为突破口,先后建设了17 个主题鲜明、风格各异的特色街区,引领了经济发展,改善了城区环境,提高了城市功能,方便了居民生活,促进了社会就业,优化了产业结构;显示出发展税源经济、复兴城区活力、提升城区品质等多重效应,形成了青岛“市北现象”。探究其发展规律可以为其他地区尤其是老城区发展带来重要启示;总结其成功经验可以为我国城市中心城区、老城区发展提供有益借鉴。 - 关键词:
特色街区;建设;城区发展; - Abstract: Featured block is the base and served for the featured economy. North District, Qingdao City, building a featured block as the breakthrough, now has built 17 distinct themes, featured blocks to lead the economic development while improving the urban environment, the city function, convenient living, and promoting social employment to optimize the industrial structure. Additionally, it also showing the energy of tax sources economy development, active the urban area energy and improved the quality of urban area multiply which formed North district in Qingdao. Finding the rules of its development can be utilized for other regions, especially the development of the old cities. It also brings significant enlightenment for these old cities. To summarize the successful experience of China's urban centers can provide a useful reference for urban development or the old city.
- Key words: featured block; construction; urban area development
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