- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)02-0055-04
- 中图分类号:TU985 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:许晶晶,女,南京晓庄学院美术学院教师,南京工业大学艺术设计学院2006级硕士研究生,专业为建筑设计及其理论,研究方向为环境艺术设
- 城市立交桥下绿地设计现状分析
- Greenbelt Design under the City Cloverleaf Junction
- 浏览量:
- 许晶晶
- XU Jing-jing
- 摘要:
随着城市道路交通体系的不断发展,城市立交桥作为一种新型的空间形式和城市景观的构成要素,直接影响到了城市的空间形态和城市的景观,并不可避免地对城市原有景观空间结构形成冲击,而城市立交桥下绿地设计在改善和恢复环境方面发挥了重大的作用。文章以南京中央门立交桥、新庄立交桥和南京站立交桥桥下绿地设计为研究对象,对桥下绿地设计的现状进行调研和分析,力图探讨较为系统、融生态、视觉美学、地域文化于一体的桥下绿地设计。 - 关键词:
城市立交桥;桥下绿地设计;现状分析; - Abstract: With the continuous development of urban road transportation system, city cloverleaf junction, as a new space form and the composing element of landscape design, inevitably influences a city’s space appearance and landscape. Furthermore, the greenbelt design under the city cloverleaf junction also plays a very important role on improving and recovering the urban ecology. Through the investigation and analysis of three city cloverleaf junction at Zhong Yanmen, Xinzhuan, and Nanjing Station the article explores the systematic design principles about greenbelt under the city cloverleaf junction including zoology, vision esthetics and the local culture characteristics.
- Key words: city cloverleaf junction; greenbelt design; present conditions
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