- 主题公园
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)03-0019-05
- 中图分类号:F590 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:李萌(1973-),男,复旦大学旅游学系博士生,上海松江区商务和旅游委员会副主任,副教授,主要研究旅游创意和文化资源管理。
- 论主题公园持久生命力的培育
- Studies on Sustainable Vitality of Theme Park
- 浏览量:
- 李萌
- LI Meng
- 摘要:
在当前新一轮主题公园建设热潮已经出现的背景下,探讨主题公园生命力及其培育问题正当其时。主题公园生命力是指由主题公园的内部活力、与区域经济社会发展的融合力及其跟所依托生态环境之间的适应力三者有机结合所形成的综合能力。它具有系统性、持续生成性、内外协调性等特点。培育途径主要包括:确认业态属性;保持不断创意;构建多维产业链;实施精细化管理与情感服务;优化产业政策;营造良好消费环境等。 - 关键词:
主题公园;可持续发展;生命力;培育途径; - Abstract: Under the present background of new round upsurge of theme park construction, it’s just the right time to discuss the theme park’s vitality and the cultivating matters of the vitality. With the features of system, sustained nature of generation, coordination of both inside and outside factors, vitality of theme park is a kind of comprehensive capability which combines the inner vitality of theme park, merging ability with the development of local district, economy and society, adaptability to the ecological environment on which the theme park rely. The main approaches to cultivate the vitality of theme park include: acknowledging the business attribute, keeping on innovating, constructing multidimensional industry chains, implementing accuracy management and emotion service, optimizing industrial policies, fostering sound consumption surroundings and so on.
- Key words: theme park; sustainable development; vitality; cultivating approaches
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