- 旅游
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)03-0058-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:申翔,江苏省城市规划设计研究院城市规划师、注册规划师;
- 统筹视角下的环太湖地区发展策略研究
- Tai Lake Scenic Area Development Strategy Research against the Background of Comprehensive Planning
- 浏览量:
- 申翔 相西如 吴新纪
- SHEN Xiang XIANG Xi-ru WU Xin-ji
- 摘要:
文章基于环太湖地区统筹共建的视角,通过在产业发展、城乡空间建设、旅游活动组织等内容上的战略整合,提出构建环湖产业圈、城市圈与旅游圈的可行性,阐述三圈中协调发展的基本内容与策略,构建优化后的区域协调结构,明确了太湖风景名胜区与城市、太湖的相互关系及基本建设发展内容等。 - 关键词:
统筹;环太湖地区;城市;太湖风景名胜区; - Abstract: The article is based on the comprehensive planning of Tai Lake area. Through the studies of strategic integration of industrial development, city and countryside space construction, traveling organization, the authors propose the feasibility of constructing Tai Lake industry circle, urban circle and traveling circle's, elaborate the basic coordinated development connotations and strategy, and optimize the region coordinated structure, highlight the relationship between Tai Lake scenic area and city, Tai Lake, and the basic construction development and so on.
- Key words: comprehensive planning; Tai Lake area; city; Tai Lake scenic area
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