  • 特稿
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)03-0028-04
  • 中图分类号:X31    文献标识码:A
  • 作者简介:王如松,博士,研究员,教授,中国科学院生态环境研究中心,国际科联环境问题科学委员会(SCOPE ICSU)副主席,中国生态学会理事长; 刘晶茹,中国科学院生态环境研究中心。
  • 城市生态与生态人居建设
  • Ecology, Ecopolis and Eco-Settlement
  • 浏览量:
  • 王如松 刘晶茹
  • WANG Ru-song LIU Jing-ru
  • 摘要:
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: The article systematically deals with three connotations including the coupling relations between organisms including human being and theirs environment, the systematic science and art about the relationship, and the harmonious state of their development. Urban ecology includes social ecology of human behavior, economic ecology of substance metabolism and physical ecology of nature habitat. One of the key tasks of ecopolis development is to enhance urban ecosystem service, especially the service of lung (urban green, forests and agriculture land), kidney (water body and wetland), skin (surface ground and soils), exit (wastes discharge outlets), and artery (channels, roads and metabolism networks) so as to realize a state of purification, greening, vitalization and beautification. On the other hand, the goal of ecopolis is not only the “green” of natural ecosystem, but also the “red” of human ecosystem. The “eco” in ecopolis is neither a return to primitive nature or only environment protection, nor a conquer over nature, but a integration of green rhythm (blue sky, green field, fertile land, green water) and red network (industry, transportation, city and town, culture vein), a tradeoff between environment and economy and a harmony among heaven, earth and human. It also brings up three pillars of ecopolis development (safe ecology, circular economy and harmonious society), ten indexes of ecological habitat construction, and approaches of ecopolis planning.
  • Key words: ecology; ecopolis; human settlement; eco-development
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