- 主题公园
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)03-0007-07
- 中图分类号:F590 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:董观志(1965—),男,博士,暨南大学深圳旅游学院教授,旅游管理专业博士生导师。
- 主题公园:城市的商业集群与文化游戏——解读发展历程和战略趋势
- Theme Park: Urban Commercial Clusters and Cultural Games: Interpreting the Development Course and Strategic Trends
- 浏览量:
- 董观志
- DONG Guan-zhi
- 摘要:
主题公园是一种具有创意性游园线索和策划性活动方式的现代旅游目的地形态。文章以商业模式和文化创新为线索,系统地梳理了中国主题公园的发展历程,深入地阐述了中国主题公园在复制化、概念化、品牌化、集成化的4个发展阶段中的标志�性事件和典型化特征。基于世界旅游发展的宏�观背景和中国主题公园的综合能力,明确指出中国主题公园将在15个方面进行自主创新、引进再创新和集成创新,引领中国现代商业文化走向世界将成为中国主题公园稳健发展的战略性趋势。 - 关键词:
主题公园;集成创新;发展历程;战略趋势; - Abstract: Theme park is a kind of modern tourism destination patterns, which mainly contains creative clues and planning activities in parks. Using business model and culture innovation as clues, this paper systematically reviews the development process of theme parks in China, profoundly elaborates the landmark events and typical features of the four stages (including replication, conceptualization, branding and integration) of Chinese theme park development process. Based on the macro-world context of tourism development and the comprehensive capacity of theme parks in China, this paper clearly points out that theme parks in China will go on independent innovations, introduction of re-innovations and integrated innovations in 15 aspects, in addition,leading modern Chinese business culture to the world will become a strategic trend of the steady development of theme parks in China.
- Key words: theme park; integrated innovation;development process;strategic trend
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