- 生态
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)03-0047-04
- 中图分类号:S73 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:薛艳杰(1975-),女,黑龙江克东人,上海社会科学院经济法律社会咨询中心助理研究员,博士,主要研究方向为区域发展与规划、三农问题。
- 上海城市绿化评价指标体系构建探讨
- Discussion on the Urban Greening Evaluation Index System of Shanghai
- 浏览量:
- 薛艳杰
- XUE Yan-jie
- 摘要:
绿化质量关乎一个城市的生态质量、景观效果及居民生活质量。我国城市绿化发展实践表明,仅以传统的几个数量指标指导绿化建设存在较大的局限性,构建全面具体的城市绿化评价指标体系已成为迫切需要。20世纪90年代以来,上海城市绿化建设取得突破性进展,然而与一些国际化大都市及本市的生态、生活文化需求相比,还存在一定差距。鉴此,提出上海城市绿化评价指标体系建设的必要性、基本原则,以及具体的框架构想。 - 关键词:
上海;城市绿化;指标体系; - Abstract: Urban greening is closely related to a city’s ecological quality, visual effects and life quality of the residents. There are limitations in the traditional urban greening based on a few traditional indicators as the guidance to construct. So it has become urgent to construct a comprehensive evaluation index system for urban greening. Breakthroughs have been made on the urban greening development in Shanghai since the 1990’s. However, there is still a gap compared with the international metropolises’ greening and the ecological, life and cultural need of Shanghai’s residents. Therefore, the paper elaborates the necessity, basic principles, and framework of the urban greening evaluation index system in Shanghai.
- Key words: Shanghai; urban greening; index system
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