- 争鸣
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)04-0006-06
- 中图分类号:F290 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:欧盟第七框架项目FP7-230824 ECURBS(Euro-Chinese Urban and Regional Bi-continental research Scheme)成果。
- 作者简介:王红扬(1971-),南京大学城市与区域规划系副教授,中法城市·区域·规划科学研究中心主任。
- 中国城市化研究的范式转型——基础方法论
- Chinese Urbanization Research: A Hypothesis of Paradigm Shift of Fundamental Methodology
- 浏览量:
- 王红扬
- WANG Hong-yang
- 摘要:
对中国城市化研究不能令人满意的进展进行了坦率的剖析,指出在认识论上,没有能够正确认识城市化这样一个复杂系统性问题所对应的科学知识的属性,这导致现状研究基于本质上错误的方法论。正确的基础方法论包含不可分割的三个要点:基于猜想建构直面解决的系统性、综合性知识;通过结构把握研究的复杂系统性、实践意义和理论建构;基于对猜想的严格检验和结构引导下的累积性研究,实现可行的研究广度、深度的连续拓展和成果质量的连续提升。 - 关键词:
中国城市化研究;范式;方法论;猜想;结构;累积性研究; - Abstract: The paper candidly carries out a critical analysis of the disappointed progress in the field of Chinese urbanization research. It contends that epistemologically the field has not been able to rightly the scientific nature of knowledge corresponding to an extraordinary sophisticated subject like Chinese urbanization. This has led to the research being based on fundamentally flawed methodology. The appropriate fundamental methodology should integrate three key points: conjecture, structure, and hypothetical investigation and accumulation of coherent research.
- Key words: Chinese urbanization research; paradigm; methodology; conjecture; structure; accumulation of coherent research
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