- 生态
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)04-0083-07
- 中图分类号:X22 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:国家住房与城乡建设部资助项目“城镇生态系统健康的评价及调控途径”(06-R1-12),江苏省高校自然科学研究计划“环太湖地区生态网络建设与土地资源整合研究”。
- 作者简介:黄耀志(1956—),男,教授,德国博士。中国科学院、建设部山地城镇与区域环境研究中心副主任,苏州科技学院建筑与城市规划学院;
- 生态网络与生态经济的一体化发展 ——江苏常州嘉泽镇生态网络建设与都市农业发展策略
- Integrative Development of Eco-networks and Eco-economy:With Jiaze Town’s Strategy of Eco-networks and Urban Agriculture in Changzhou as an Example
- 浏览量:
- 黄耀志 陆志刚 李清宇
- HUANG Yao-zhi LU Zhi-gang LI Qing-yu
- 摘要:
生态网络是维护生态安全和景观格局的保�障,而三、四级生态网络覆盖区又是城镇、乡村以及耕作区重叠的地区,生态网络建设与社会经济发展的矛盾突出。大城市范围圈内相当部分的小城镇,在市域空间分工中承担了生态斑块、维育生态环境的功能,经济发展、产业选择的空间不大,只有实现生态网络建设与生态化的经济发展相融合、一体化的发展才是最佳出路。江苏常武地区嘉泽镇为这种发展方式提供了经验。 - 关键词:
生态网络建设;生态经济发展;一体化双赢;常州嘉泽经验; - Abstract: Ecological networks are guarantee to maintain ecological safety and landscape pattern, but three or four ecological network coverage areas are overlapped by urban, rural and farming areas, there has the contradiction of ecological networks and socio-economic development. A large part of the small towns in the round of metropolis has the functions of ecological spot, and maintaining the ecological environment, so the industry and economy development have not more choice. Only to the integrative development of ecological network and economic development is the best way. Jiaze town gives the experience of this development way.
- Key words: construction of eco-networks; development of eco-economy; integrated win-win; experience of Jiaze town
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