- 发展战略
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)04-0025-04
- 中图分类号:F290 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:马溯川,女,汉族,武警工程学院基础部政治理论教研室。
- 城市发展趋势的哲学意蕴——从“人”的本质论中国城市发展动力
- Urban Development Logic and Predicament: The Chinese Urban Development Drives based on the Essence of Mankind
- 浏览量:
- 马溯川
- MA Su-chuan
- 摘要:
城市的产生是历史产物,城市的发展也必然是有动力驱动的。掌握城市发展的动力,方能科学分析城市问题、开展城市管理、推动城市进步。从人性的四个特征,“以人为本”的讨论中国发展的动力特点。并根据城市主体“人”的种种需求,对中国城市的未来管理给出科学建议。 - 关键词:
人;城市发展;中国; - Abstract: City is a historic product of human development, its appearance means that the population the continually accumulation, the scale expand as well as the social question derivation unceasingly. After entering industrial society, the urban development speed becomes quick with difficult imagination, and the studies of urban intrinsic logic will pay attention to the humanity to develop the important aspect in the future. Through discussing the driving mechanism of the urban development, this article studies reason which the urban development expands unceasingly, and will make the reasonable supposition according to the above to the future of the urban development, will expand to the city the difficult position to carry on the elaboration unceasingly.
- Key words: urban development; driving mechanism; predicament
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