- 经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)05-0093-04
- 中图分类号:F590 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:胡广梅,上海应用技术学院经管学院。
- 2010上海世博会场馆后续效用研究
- The Subsequent Usage of the Sites and Buildings of Expo 2010 Shanghai World Expo
- 浏览量:
- 胡广梅
- HU Guang-mei
- 摘要:
历届世博会的举办都要占用大量的土地资源进行场馆开发,世博会结束后会场及建筑物的合理安排和使用是决定世博会后续效益的决定性因素。结合上海世博会的具体特点,以及对历届世博会展馆及奥运场馆的后续利用实践的分析,提出上海世博会展馆后续利用的基本前提以及相关旅游产品的开发途径,以期作为2010上海世博会展馆及园区后续利用之借鉴。 - 关键词:
后续利用;制定规划;市场化体制;政府保障;有效途径; - Abstract: Each world exposition occupies a lot of land resources as venues. After the end of Shanghai expo, reasonable arrangement and usage about the sites and buildings is a decisive factor of follow-up benefits of the expo. Based on the features of the Shanghai world expo, and the analysis in subsequent usage of each world exposition venues, this paper tries to give the basic premise of Shanghai expo follow-up usage and the development of tourism products, so as references of the 2010 Shanghai world expo.
- Key words: subsequent usage; draw plans; market system; government guarantee; effective way
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