- 城市规划的权力与制衡
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)05-0021-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:张立新,北京市规划委员会朝阳分局局长。
- 加强规划沟通 均衡决策权力
- To Reinforce Planning Communication, and to Balance the Decision-Making Power
- 浏览量:
- 张立新
- ZHANG Li-xin
- 摘要:
文章尝试以沟通规划思想方法分析我国建设规划过程中的权力现状,提出规划决策者的权力观念急需转变,公众参与规划决策权力的法律保障有待进一步提高等问题,设想在以下方面改进规划决策、提高规划的科学性和民主性:决策权力的均衡分配和决策者沟通意识的养成;公民参与意识的培养;信息公开机制;沟通调解机制;换位思考教育等。 - 关键词:
沟通规划;规划决策;权力; - Abstract: The author attempts to analyze the power conditions in the course of town and country planning with the help of communicating planning thinking. On the basis of this it is believed that the power thinking needs to be changed radically, the legal ensuring of the power of the public to participate in the planning decision-making should be raised. In order to improve planning decision-making and to enhance the scientific and democratic nature of planning, we can do more work, including the balance distribution of decision power and the cultivation of communicating concept of the decision-makers, the training of participation thinking of the public, the publicity mechanism of information, the communicating and mediating mechanism, the cultivation of transpositional thinking and so on.
- Key words: communicating planning; planning decision making; power
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