- 保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)05-0082-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:周术(1974-),女,副教授(烟台大学建筑系), 国家一级注册建筑师,2005年毕业于东南大学建筑学院,获工学硕士学位。
- “为了忘却的记忆”——从城市的视角看1980年代中国建筑的改造
- “For the Forgotten Memory”: Focusing on the Renovation of the Buildings Constructed in 1980s in China
- 浏览量:
- 周术 郝曙光 于英 孙佳媚
- ZHOU Shu HAO Shu-guang YU Ying SUN Jia-mei
- 摘要:
在新一轮的城市更新过程中,大量1980年代建造的普通民用建筑成为改造的对象和面临着拆除的危机。这类建筑建成时间不足30年,在建筑学上的成就并不显赫,但充分体现了我国改革开放初期这个伟大时代的社会发展过程。文章以“回望1980年代”为起点,从城市的视角结合城市更新过程中的改造实例剖析,希望未来的改造实践能保留人们对这一年代的记忆,并在城市中彼此孤立的单体之间建立起时空联系。 - 关键词:
1980年代建筑;城市的视角;改造; - Abstract: In the course of contemporary urban renovation in China, lots of buildings constructed in 1980s have been becoming the target of renovation and facing the crisis of demolition. Although having existed in the world less than 30 years and no illustrious accomplishments in the field of architecture, these buildings embody the social development of Chinese primitive reformation. The paper starts from “looking back to the 1980s”, analyzes the renovations from the viewpoint of urban design, and hopes the following renovations can arouse the memory of the decade and establish contact between the isolated buildings in the city.
- Key words: buildings constructed in 1980s; viewpoint of urban design; renovation
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