- 生态与环境
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)05-0058-07
- 中图分类号:X37 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:莫霞:同济大学建筑与城市规划学院,博士研究生;
- 适宜技术视野下的生态城指标体系建构——以河北廊坊万庄可持续生态城为例
- Construction of Eco-city Indicator System in the Perspective of Appropriate Technology: A Case of Sustainable Eco-city of Wanzhuang in Hebei Langfang
- 浏览量:
- 莫霞 王伟强
- MO Xia WANG Wei-qaing
- 摘要:
生态语境下,适宜技术观越来越呈现出注重整体性、层次性、动态性建构的特征,成为更趋适宜的作用于城市可持续开发的观念策略。提出基于适宜技术观,借助“建构框架、择取核心、实施评估”三个环节,对应“建立要素体系、确定关键指标、提出管理模型”的技术策略内容,来系统建构生态城指标体系。并以河北廊坊万庄可持续生态城(下文简称“万庄生态城”)作为实践案例进行分析解读。 - 关键词:
适宜技术观;指标体系;生态城;万庄生态城; - Abstract: In ecological context, the view of appropriate technology has become more suitable concept and strategy for sustainable urban development, and is increasingly taking a holistic, hierarchical and dynamic feature. Based on this view, eco-city indicator system is constructed through a pattern of “building frame, extracting core and implementing assessment” in this paper, which corresponds to the technology strategy “establishing element system, identifying key indicators, and proposing management model”. And the system is applied to the sustainable eco-city of Wanzhuang in Hebei Langfang.
- Key words: view of appropriate technology; indicator system; eco-city; Wanzhuang eco-city
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