- 高铁时代城市与区域发展
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)06-0011-05
- 中图分类号:F127;U29 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:国家社会科学基金项目:全球城市区域跨界治理模式与中国经验分析(09CJL044)的主要阶段性成果之一。
- 作者简介:陶希东,博士,副研究员,上海社科院社会调查中心。
- 高铁时代中国大都市圈发展战略重建研究
- The Research of Strategic Reconstruction of Chinese Metropolis Circle in High-speed Railroad Era
- 浏览量:
- 陶希东
- TAO Xi-dong
- 摘要:
交通技术革新始终是推动城市区域经济发展的核心因素之一,更是影响不同区域政府间关系的助推力。随着中国国力的不断强大和高速铁路网的建设,我们迎来了一个高铁化的城市区域时代,跨界大都市圈将纷纷崛起,同城化将成为某些城市经济和社会发展的新现象,在大大提升居民生活便利度的同时,也将对区域跨界治理提出新的挑战。文章主要针对如何应对高铁时代的大都市圈跨界治理、战略重建等提出一些粗浅的看法。 - 关键词:
高铁时代;大都市圈;战略重建; - Abstract: The transportation technological innovation is a core factor impelling the urban and regional economy, it is also the thrust that influences the relations among the different governments. Along with the Chinese development and high speed railway network's construction, we have welcomed a new urban region era with high speed railway, we witness more metropolis circles in China. The zero distance city phenomena will promote the convenience of the residents’ life, and it will also present all sorts of new challenges to the regional governance. This paper attempts to provide some ideas about the metropolis circle governance and development strategies.
- Key words: high speed railway time; Metropolis circle; strategic reconstruction
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