- 高铁时代城市与区域发展
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)06-0016-09
- 中图分类号:F29;U29 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:姚如青,助理研究员,中共杭州市委党校。
- 沪杭高铁对于沪杭关系和杭州发展的影响研究
- Researching the Influence toward Hangzhou of the High Speed Railway of Shanghai to Hangzhou
- 浏览量:
- 姚如青
- YAO Ru-qing
- 摘要:
高速铁路对于城市经济发展的作用体现为“催化作用”。沪杭高铁开通对杭州城东新城、旅游业、运输业、商贸业、房地产业、总部经济、金融业和文化创意业发展以及人才吸引方面既是机遇,也是挑战。分析沪杭高铁影响沪杭关系和杭州发展的三种趋势,提出杭州应对沪杭高铁影响的若干建议。 - 关键词:
杭州;上海;沪杭高铁;趋势;建议; - Abstract: The high speed railway catalyzes the economic development of city. So the running of the high speed railway of Shanghai to Hangzhou is both opportunity and challenge for the New town of in the east of Hangzhou, tourist industry, transport service, business industry, real-estate sector, headquarters economy, finance, cultural and creative industries, and the attraction to person of talent. Three tendencies of the influence of the high speed railway of Shanghai to Hangzhou toward Hangzhou are uncovered. Some suggestions are brought forward for Hangzhou dealing with the influence of the high speed railway of Shanghai to Hangzhou.
- Key words: Hangzhou; Shanghai; high speed railway of Shanghai to Hangzhou; tendency; suggestion
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