- 旅游
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)06-0082-06
- 中图分类号:F592.1 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:云南省教育厅基金资助(项目编号:07Z11095)。
- 作者简介:撒莹,女,(1972-),讲师,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院博士生,云南大学城市建设与管理学院教师,研究方向为历史文化遗产的保护及景观规划设计;
- 自然遗产地特色风景引导下的旅游城镇建设研究——以黑龙江五大连池为例
- The Research of Acculturation Tourism Town Construction
- 浏览量:
- 撒莹 严国泰 赵书彬
- SA Ying YAN Guo-tai ZHAO Shu-bin
- 摘要:
旅游城镇是中国自然遗产地发展管理的一个策略,依托当地的历史文化遗产和遗产地资源,促进城镇旅游发展,既推动城镇建设,又带动了地方经济。黑龙江五大连池是典型火山地貌环境下的自然遗产地。在城镇建设中,由于其位于东北边境线上,不同程度受到周边国家文化的影响。本文以这个旅游城镇为研究对象,力求说明特色风景、异域文化与中国旅游城镇融合发展的积极意义。 - 关键词:
特色风景;旅游城镇;自然遗产地;五大连池; - Abstract: Tourism town is a strategy for the development of modern city. Both historical cultural heritage and scenic historic interest areas are the foundation of plan. The aim is advancement the development of tourism in town, promotion intensive management, impulse local economies of scale and development environment. In China, northeastern Heilongjiang province Wudalianchi is one of the tourism towns for volcanic landform. Owing to the Chinese border, it has been always affected surrounding countries. This paper explains the sense of harmonization volcanic landform, exotic culture and tourism town for city planning in China.
- Key words: special landscape; tourism town; natural, historical and cultural heritage sites
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