- 城乡统筹
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)07-0080-05
- 中图分类号:F291.1 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:7th Framework Programme(230824) ECURBS(欧盟第七框架项(230824))。
- 作者简介:桂垚垚 (1985-),女,江苏连云港人,南京大学地理学院城市与区域规划设计专业硕士研究生,主要研究方向为城市与区域规划。
朱喜钢 (1959-),男,南京大学地理学院城市与区域规划设计专业教授、博导,主要研究方向:城市与区域规划
- 嘉兴“两分两换”政策给苏南乡村转型之启示
- The Inspiration of the Policy of “Two-for-two” in Jiaxing to the Rural Transformation in Southern Jiangsu
- 浏览量:
- 桂垚垚 陆洲 朱喜钢
- GUI Yao-yao LU Zhou ZHU Xi-gang
- 摘要:
随着城市化、全球化进程的推进,在创造“苏南模式”奇迹基础上,苏南地区不断寻求深层次的发展,其乡村也正经历一场从生产方式到生活方式的根本转变,新一轮乡村转型迫在眉睫。当前浙江省嘉兴市政府推行的“两分两换”土地政策,实质是全面实施乡村转型战略的有效手段,对指导苏南农村发展变革有深刻的指导意义。通过对苏南农村现状发展情况分析,试提出该地区乡村转型的战略构想。 - 关键词:
“两分两换”政策;苏南地区;乡村转型; - Abstract: Along with the advancement of urbanization and globalization, Southern Jiangsu continues to seek in-depth development on the basis of the miracle “South Jiangsu Mode”. Now the rural areas are also experiencing fundamental change from production mode to lifestyle. It’s urgent that a new round of rural transition comes into being. At present, the land policy of “two-for-two” implemented by the authority of Jiaxing is essentially the efficient way of implementing the rural transformation strategy in all-round manner, which can provide profound guidance for the rural development in Southern Jiangsu. By analyzing the development of rural areas in Southern Jiangsu, the authors try to propose the strategic concept of the transformation of the village in the area.
- Key words: policy of “two-for-two”; Southern Jiangsu; rural transformation
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