- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)07-0065-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:徐锐,厦门大学旅游系旅游管理博士生;
- 城市意象理论在休闲旅游特色街开发中的应用——以哈尔滨宏景天地酒吧一条街的可行性分析为例
- The Application of Urban Image Theory for the Development of a Street with Distinguishing Leisure and Tourism Features: Case Study of Feasibility Analysis for Grandview Corner Bar-Culture Street, Harbin
- 浏览量:
- 徐锐 黄福才
- XU Rui HUANG Fu-cai
- 摘要:
休闲旅游特色街,作为城市旅游业发展的重要组成部分,日益受到关注和重视。特色街的开发成功与否取决于其自身所处的区位条件、资源条件和市场条件的组合与配置。以哈尔滨宏景天地酒吧一条街为例,通过区位分析、市场分析,以及运用凯文·林奇的城市意象理论,对空间结构进行分析和评价,最终完成项目的可行性前期论证。将城市意象理论应用于休闲旅游特色街的空间结构分析,为休闲旅游特色街的定位、可行性研究提供了有益的探索。 - 关键词:
休闲旅游特色街;城市意象;可行性分析;宏景天地;哈尔滨; - Abstract: Street with distinguishing leisure and tourism features, as an important component of the development of urban tourism industry, is increasingly drawn attention and taken into account nowadays. The successful development of distinguishing street depends on the location, resources and market conditions and their configuration combinations. In this paper, location, market conditions and spatial structure are analyzed for pre-feasibility demonstration of Grandview Corner Bar-culture Street in Harbin. The application of urban image theory to the analysis of spatial structure provides a useful exploration for the feasibility study and development of a street with distinguishing leisure and tourism features.
- Key words: street with distinguishing leisure and tourism feature; Urban Image theory; feasibility analysis; Grandview Corner Bar-culture Street; Harbin
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