- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)08-0056-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:罗跃,男,重庆大学建筑城规学院硕士研究生;
- 城市规划语境下城市自组织及其系统探讨
- Research on Urban Self-organization and Its System in the Context of Urban Planning
- 浏览量:
- 罗跃 段炼
- LUO Yue DUAN Lian
- 摘要:
文章基于自组织理论,旨在化解城市规划的他组织属性与城市的自组织本质间的对立关系,提高城市规划的科学性。立足城市规划范畴,从自组织的典型特征及其与他组织的辩证关系对自组织" target="_blank">城市自组织进行了辨析,得出规划行为中也有自组织成分的结论,并提出城市规划的自组织与城市内部力量的自组织成正相关;进而构建自组织" target="_blank">城市自组织系统,将城市规划的自组织界定为自组织" target="_blank">城市自组织的外延部分。最终,提出通过构建开放系统、界定体系范畴、强调对过程的规划来实现城市规划技术体系的自组织完善。 - 关键词:
城市规划;城市自组织;自组织;他组织; - Abstract: The paper is intended to improve urban planning with resolving the contradictions between heter-organization character of urban planning and self-organization nature of city. All of the research is in the context of urban planning. The paper tries to explain urban self-organization from the self-organization characters and its dialectical relations with heter-organization. Based on these, the paper suggests that there is also self-organization in urban planning, and the law that selforganization of urban planning is positively correlated with the self-organization of urban inside. The paper establishes a system model of urban self-organization which takes the self-organization of urban planning as the extension. At last, three strategies, opening the system, defining the works and planning the process, are proposed to optimize the urban planning technical system.
- Key words: urban planning; urban self-organization; self-organization; heter-organization
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