- 低碳城市建设
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)08-0015-07
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:叶祖达,香港规划师学会原会长,ARUP奥雅纳咨询服务公司规划/发展总监,北京大学城环学院博士研究生。
- 低碳城市建设的社会成本研究
- The Social Cost of Construction of Low-Carbon Cities
- 浏览量:
- 叶祖达
- Stanley C T YIP
- 摘要:
目前把社会成本(Social Cost) 概念引入到低碳城市的碳排放控制指标与政策手段中的研究相对比较少。低碳经济和低碳城市的概念也只是在过去10 多年来,特别是在1997 年《京都议定书》签订后,才受到政府和社会的广泛、高度重视。政府在城市发展领域推动低碳城市的政策和行动都有其相对的社会成本和效益,因此这直接影响着社会整体的资源配置效率。社会成本分析就是要将客观而科学的工具引入到城市规划建设政策制定过程中,把有关的社会成本量化为经济价值,为决策者提供参考,以实现社会整体资源的最优化。 - 关键词:
低碳经济;低碳城市;成本效益分析;社会成本; - Abstract: Generally there is a lack of effort to integrate the concept of social cost of carbon emissions into the planning decision making process. The community and the governments have only started recently to focus on the concepts of low-carbon economy and low-carbon cities after the Kyoto Protocol milestone. When the government is promoting the planning and construction of low-carbon cities, the policy instruments and decisions always have the associated cost and benefits. As a result, the specific contents of the policies will affect the efficient use of public resources in the society. The study of the social cost of carbon emissions will help to incorporate objective and scientific planning methods into the current planning decision making processes. Through the definition of the economic values of the impacts of carbon emissions, one can compare different policy packages to identify the option that optimize the use of the resources in our society.
- Key words: low-carbon economy; low-carbon cities; cost benefits analysis; social cost of
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