- 保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)08-0041-11
- 中图分类号:K928 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:袁方,东南大学建筑学院城市规划系硕士研究生。
- 咸阳中山街地区空间特色解析与保护更新探索
- The Exploration of Spatial Characteristics and Protection of Zhongshan Street in Xian Yang
- 浏览量:
- 袁方
- YUAN Fang
- 摘要:
当代旧城更新过程中如何对传统历史街区的空间特色及文化内涵进行保护与传承是一个亟待解决的问题。本文以咸阳中山街历史街区为对象,详细研究了其整体空间格局,街巷空间特色及其蕴含的丰厚文化积淀,并且指出中山街传统街区保护与更新过程中所面临的问题与挑战,进而提出更新改造的目标与理念,并运用城市设计手法对街区整体空间结构、街巷的空间体系、重要节点等方面进行更新改造,希望对古城传统街区特色的延续,对地区社会网络和生活网络的有机缝合产生积极的作用,从而达到保护古街风貌,传承文化的目的。 - 关键词:
咸阳中山街;空间格局;有机更新; - Abstract: It is exigent of researching on preservation of spatial characteristics and cultural connotation of historical districts during the course of old cities’ renewal. This paper studies the spatial pattern, characteristics and the culture of Zhongshan Street, and it points out the difficulties and challenges that appear in the process of protection and renovation, then it proposes objectives and concept during renovation of Zhongshan Street. In the end the author proposes the ideas of renewing the spatial structure, space system and important nodes of Zhongshan Street through urban design practices, hoping that will lead to continue its traditional characteristics and set up connection between social and living networks, so as to protecting its scene and the cultural heritage.
- Key words: Zhongshan street in Xian Yang; spatial pattern; organic renewal
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