- 交通
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2010)08-0090-06
- 中图分类号:U491.1 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:陈素华,女,1974~,江苏东台人,在职博士生,从事工作:道路设计;
- 旧城区平交口拥堵分析及对策
- Traffic Jam Analysis and Countermeasures to Help Improve Traffic Operations at At-Grade Intersections in Urban Built-Up Areas
- 浏览量:
- 陈素华 邹建平
- CHEN Su-hua ZOU Jian-ping
- 摘要:
针对平面交叉路口是道路网中道路通行能力的“堵点”和交通事故的“多发源”这一现象,结合一个旧城区典型平交口交通改善实践及改善前后的效果评价,探讨旧城区平交口拥堵成因及解决措施。建议平交口改造方案的选择要从整体路网研究出发,与区域交通发展规划相协调,提出近远期方案。本文的改善建议对缓解旧城区的交通拥堵有一定的借鉴性作用。 - 关键词:
平交口;拥堵;路网研究;交通改善;效果评价; - Abstract: At-grade intersections have long been considered one of the major causes for traffic jams in an urban traffic network. They are also crash prone locations where the probability of having traffic accidents is significantly high. Using traffic data collected from a before-after study at an at-grade intersection in a built-up area, the paper analyzes the causes for traffic congestion, and proposed countermeasures to help improve traffic operations at at-grade intersections in urban built-up areas. The research results indicate that it is important to analyze the operations of the whole urban traffic network before the intersection modification plan is proposed. The modification plan must consider the long and short range transportation development plan in surrounding areas and accordingly, both long-term and short-term development plan shall be proposed. The research results presented in this paper has the potential to help traffic engineers or designers develop countermeasures to relieve traffic congestion in urban built-up areas.
- Key words: intersection; traffic jam; roadway network analysis; improvement of traffic condition; measure of effectiveness (MOE)
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