- 城市更新规划与规划更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)01-0017-04
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:吕晓蓓,女,硕士,城市规划师,中国城市规划设计研究院深圳分院。
- 城市更新规划在规划体系中的定位及其影响
- On the Effect and Role of Urban Regeneration Plan in the Planning System
- 浏览量:
- 吕晓蓓
- LV Xiao-bei
- 摘要:
本文回顾了城市更新及城市更新规划概念的演变, 同时也通过梳理和比较国内各大城市的城市更新规划情况,总结了目前城市更新规划在中国规划体系中的地位和作用。在此基础上,作者指出,由于城市更新工作的特殊性,城市更新规划较城市规划体系中的其他类型规划在规划理念和方法上都具有比较明显的差异。未来城市更新规划可能成为各大城市城市规划管理工作的重点,城市更新规划必将对其他类型规划和规划体系本身产生深刻影响,规划体系应该积极面对,并主动进行适应性的调整。另外也有必要通过规划体系的改革,将城市更新规划有效地纳入到制度化的规划管理平台中,使之能与法定规划有效对接,使之能更有效地指导城市更新工作。 - 关键词:
城市更新;城市更新规划;城市规划体系; - Abstract: Based on the literature of Urban Renewal, Urban Regeneration gives the sustainable and integrated object. The object of Urban Regeneration Plan is to solve the complicated problem of old town with integrated strategy and movement. This paper reviews the evolution of the urban regeneration and urban regeneration plan and also summarizes the roles and factions of the current urban regeneration plan in China’s planning system according to the comparison of the domestic cities’ urban regeneration plan situation. In addition to that, the author points out that because the Urban Regeneration Plan has particularity factors as ‘people’, ‘property’, ‘public interests’ and ‘market’, it has there are big differences between the general plan in both theory and methods. Sooner or later, the Urban Regeneration Plan may be the major work in the planning administration, and may deeply affect the planning system. The planning system should actively respond to the challenge, by accommodating the urban regeneration plan, and combining it with the statutory plan.
- Key words: urban regeneration; urban regeneration plan; the planning system
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