- 城市规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)01-0061-05
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:黄明华,教授、博导,西安建筑科技大学城市规划设计研究院总工程师;
- 城乡建设用地联动规划——城镇化与耕地保护的必然与必须
- The Linkage Plan of Urban-Rural Construction Land-Use ——Necessity and Must of Urbanization and Farmland Protection
- 浏览量:
- 黄明华 陈默 张静雯
- HUANG Ming-hua CHEN Mo ZHANG Jing-wen
- 摘要:
长期以来,城镇化带来的城乡建设用地增加的“必然”与作为国家安全战略的耕地保护的“必须”成为一对无法调和的矛盾,而城乡统筹下的城乡建设用地统筹则有可能为解决这一矛盾提供一种思路。本文提出的“城乡土地使用联动规划”是在综合考虑当前已有相关规划类型,在编制要求和方法存在差异的前提下,探索的一种既具有“城乡整体”的总体规划理念,又与当前规划编制体系相衔接的、具有较强操作性的城市——乡村联动土地使用总体规划方法。文章试图以规划为平台落实城乡统筹、以联动方式统一城乡建设用地发展变化,为解决用地增长和耕地保护提供新的思路和方法,实现“必然”和“必须”的和谐统一。 - 关键词:
城乡建设用地联动规划;城镇化;耕地保护;城乡统筹; - Abstract: For a long time, farmland protection and urbanization land-use growth have been considered a conflict. At present, the centralized management of urban-rural construction landuse under urban-rural coordination will provide some thought to solve the conflict. In this article, the linkage plan of urban-rural construction land-use which fully considers the differences in requirements and method of interrelated plans is an operable and integrative method for urbanrural construction land use. With this method, we try to provide a new way to solve the conflict between farmland protection and urbanization land-use growth which takes plan as a platform to carry on urban-rural coordination and unify urban-rural construction land-use.
- Key words: linkage plan of urban-rural construction land-use; urbanization; farmland protection; urban-rural coordination
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