- 土地与房地产
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)01-0078-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:蔡军(1970-),大连理工大学建筑与艺术学院城市规划系副教授博士;
陈飞(1979-), 大连理工大学城市规划系讲师硕士;
- 居住与工业用地比例变化及其引发的问题思考
- The Study of the Proportion Changes in Industrial Area and Residential Area along with the Consequential Issues
- 浏览量:
- 蔡军 陈飞 李彻丽格日
- CAI Jun CHEN Fei LI Che-li ge ri
- 摘要:
本文对我国城市居住与工业用地比例进行了统计分析。近20 年来我国城市居住与工业用地的面积比呈“倒V”型,曲线转折点为2001 年。用地出让制度改革、政绩考核及现有的税收体制导致地方政府2002 年之后的供地偏好转变,产生了低价、超量供应工业用地与高价、缩量供应居住用地的供地倾向,致使我国城市工业与居住用地供应出现结构性失衡。在对近10 年全国居住用地比例、商品住宅供求关系、商品住宅平均价格回归分析和相关研究的基础上,笔者从实证角度验证了居住用地比例下降(即居住用地供应不足)在房价过快上涨过程中所起到的基础性作用。最后,论文针对城市建设用地的结构优化及居住用地供应保障问题提出了相关建议。 - 关键词:
城市用地结构;居住用地;工业用地; - Abstract: Urban residential and industrial land ratio is analyzed in the paper. In the last twenty years, the figure of ratio of residential land to industrial land was like “∧”, and the turning point was at the point of 2001. Reform of land leasing rule, evaluation system of political achievement and tax administrative system resulted in change of local government’s preference to different kind urban land supply after 2002. Undesirable tendencies to supply industrial land in excessive amount at a low price and to supply residential land in reduced amount at a high price came into being. Imbalance of urban land structure of industrial and residential land has taken place. Based upon regression analysis and related research of residential land ratio, supply and demand relation of commercial housing and its price change in the last ten years, the author draws the conclusion that decline of residential land ratio has played a fundamental role in the fast rising of commercial housing price according to empirical research. At last, the author gives the advice on optimization of land use structure and residential land supply insurance.
- Key words: tructure of urban land use; residential land; industrial land
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