- 保护与更新
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)01-0044-05
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:东南大学优秀博士学位论文基金(YBJJ0916)资助
- 作者简介:钟行明(1980-),男,东南大学建筑学院,城市与建筑遗产保护教育部重点实验室(东南大学)2007级博士研究生。
- 历史文化街区的活力复兴——以济南芙蓉街历史文化街区为例
- Vigorous Renaissance of Historic Precincts: A Case Study of Furong Historic Precinct in Jinan
- 浏览量:
- 钟行明
- ZHONG Xing-ming
- 摘要:
芙蓉街历史文化街区是济南古老的传统商业街区,也是济南目前保存较多历史遗存和文化内涵、集中体现泉城特色的历史文化街区。但近年来,该历史文化街区正面临着功能结构失衡,活力衰退的困境。为保护其特色风貌、复兴其活力,文章从保护其空间格局肌理、历史建筑、活力空间、非物质文化遗产以及原居民的社会网络等方面对该历史文化街区的活力复兴提出了建议。 - 关键词:
历史文化街区;活力复兴; - Abstract: Furong historic precinct is the oldest traditional commercial street in Jinan. It is also the historic precinct which can represent the unique characteristic of the Spring City with many historic relics and cultural connotation. However, the historic precinct faces the problem of the unbalance between functional structure and decay of vigor in recent years. The article proposes some suggestions on the renaissance of historic precincts, including the preservation of its special pattern texture, historic architectures, dynamic space, intangible cultural heritage and the social network of the indigenous inhabitants in order to protect the unique features and revive its vigor.
- Key words: historic precinct; vigorous renaissance
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