- 旅游
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)09-0075-05
- 中图分类号:F592 文献标识码:B
- 项目基金:江苏省教育厅高校哲学社会科学研究基金项目“江苏生态旅游者环境态度与行为管理研究(2010SJB630037)”
- 作者简介:唐晓岚(1968-),女,湖南辰溪人,博士,南京林业大学风景园林学院教授,南京林业大学森林资源与环境学院林学博士后,研究方向为城市及城市景观规划与设计、城市生态学和城市社会问题;
- 军事文化遗迹体验叠加旅游开发研究——以南京明军事文化与贵州屯堡文化为例
- Research on Tourism Development of Military-Cultural-Relics by Experience-overlay ——A Case Study of Nanjing ming-Dynasty Military Culture and Guizhou Tunpu Culture
- 浏览量:
- 唐晓岚 冒丹
- TANG Xiao-lan MAO Dan
- 摘要:
军事文化遗迹旅游具有历史性、针对性和知识性的特点,具有较好的旅游开发前景。本文以“体验叠加”旅游开发相关理论为依据,结合南京明军事文化与贵州安顺屯堡文化旅游开发的比较性研究,对两地旅游体验叠加开发的构想进行可行性探讨。通过分析认为:南京明军事文化与贵州安顺屯堡文化旅游开发应打造区域旅游、强化军事主题、开发长距离模式,既有利于形成两地文化形象的互补性,并推动对文化差异性的整合,形成体验叠加效应,又有利于打破现有行政区划局限的桎梏,系统利用、开发旅游资源,进行军事文化旅游整合规划,以整体开发带动明军事文化遗迹的旅游发展,打造出一个特色鲜明的高质、高品位的明军事文化遗迹品牌。 - 关键词:
军事文化;南京明军事文化;屯堡文化;体验叠加;旅游开发; - Abstract: Military-Cultural-Relics tourism has historic,targeted and informative features that show better development of tourism. Based on relevant theories of experience-overlay, the paper analyses the feasibility on ideas of experience-overlay developing between Nanjing Ming-Dynasty military culture and Guizhou Anshun Tunpu culture. In the analysis, it is found that the tourism development of Nanjing Ming-Dynasty military culture and Guizhou Tunpu culture should focus on regional tourism, strengthen military theme subject, and exploit long-distance model. Experience-overlay effect could be formed through forming complementary culture image,and advancing integrated cultural differences. Integrated development could provide Ming Military-Cultural-Tourism with high-level development by breaking the shackles of current administrative division, by elongating tourism resources, and by studying integration planning of Military Culture. In the near future, a high-quality brand of Ming military cultural relics could be formed.
- Key words: military-culture; ming military-cultural-relics; Nanjing Ming-dynasty military culture; Guizhou Anshun Tunpu culture; experience-overlay; tourism development
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