- 经济
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)10-0042-06
- 中图分类号:F127.9 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:受国家自然科学基金项目 (编号50508009):开发区与城市的空间整合及规划调控研究资助
- 作者简介:刘伟奇(1981-),男,硕士,江苏省城市规划设计研究院城市设计所。
- 开发区与城市的空间效益比较研究——以长三角地区为例
- The Spatial Profit Comparative Analyses of Development Zone and its Mother-city -- A Case Study of Yangtze River Delta Region
- 浏览量:
- 刘伟奇
- LIU Wei-qi
- 摘要:
以长三角地区国家级开发区为例,构建了开发区与城市空间效益比较的评价指标体系,提出“效益系数”的概念,并建立一种动态的检测体系,作为评判开发区相对于城市发展水平的标杆。通过对开发区与城市的空间效益比较分析,发现长三角地区还有近半数的国家级开发区空间效益水平低于城市,违背其设立的初衷,最后从城市和开发区两个层面探讨了影响开发区相对于城市效益水平的主要因素。 - 关键词:
开发区;城市(母城);空间效益;长三角地区; - Abstract: Taking the example of national development zones in the Yangtze River Delta region, this paper constructs an evaluation system about the spatial efficiency comparison between development zones and their mother-cities. With the concept of "efficiency coefficient", we establish a dynamic testing system as the benchmark for judging level of the development zone relative to its mother-city. Through the comparative analysis of spatial efficiency between the development zones and their mother-cities, we find that, in the Yangtze River Delta region, there are nearly half of the development zones whose efficiency levels are lower than those of their mother-cities. This result is contrary to the original purpose of their establishment. Finally, we discuss the major factors which affect the efficiency level of development zones relative to their mother-cities from both the views of the city and development zone.
- Key words: development zone; mother-city; spatial efficiency; Yangtze River Delta region
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