- 人文与社会
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)10-0061-07
- 中图分类号:F290 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:本文为国家大学生创新训练计划项目“虚拟社区实体化的空间区位与形式选择机制研究”(XZ091028406)资助成果。
- 作者简介:何序君,男,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院城市规划与设计系研究生;
- 虚拟社区实体化驱动力机制与演变模型实证分析——以南京西祠街区、淘淘巷、杭州四季星座为例
- Empirical Analysis on the Driving Force Mechanism of Virtual Community Substantiation and Evolvement: A Case Study of Xici Neighborhood of Nanjing, Taotaoxiang Lane of Nanjing, and Four-seasonal Constellations of Hangzhou
- 浏览量:
- 何序君 陈沧杰 王美芳
- HE Xu-jun CHEN Cang-jie WANG Mei-fang
- 摘要:
虚拟社区实体化作为虚拟社区发展的新趋势,是虚拟社区的产业化发展表现,在空间上表现为“网络实体街区”的形成。近年来随着网络与通讯技术的发展,中国许多互联网发达城市陆续出现“网络实体街区”,并伴随着城市更新运动,有方兴未艾之势。本文通过对虚拟社区实体化驱动力机制的探索,揭示网络实体街区形成与发展的演变规律;并对南京西祠街区、淘淘巷、杭州四季星座三个典型案例展开实证分析。 - 关键词:
虚拟社区;实体化;驱动力机制;西祠街区;淘淘巷;四季星座; - Abstract: The Substantiation of virtual community as a new trend is essentially the industrialization of virtual community, in space as the formation of "network entity block". With the development of Network and communication technology in recent years, in many of the Internet developed cities in China, "network entity blocks" have been gradually formed. With the urban renewal movement, it has become a more significant trend. By exploring the mechanism of driving forces, the essay reveals the law of formation and development of network entity blocks; then it makes the empirical analysis of three typical cases which are Nanjing Xici neighborhood, Taotao Lane, Hangzhou Four-seasonal Constellations.
- Key words: virtual community; substantiation; mechanism of driving forces; Xici neighborhood; Taotao Lane; Hangzhou Four-seasonal Constellations
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