- 人文与社会
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)10-0068-07
- 中图分类号:C913;TU984 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:周燕珉,清华大学建筑学院,教授;
- “居家养老为主”模式下的老年住宅设计
- Senior Housing Design about the Settlement Pattern of “Home-Care-Based” Mode
- 浏览量:
- 周燕珉 王富青
- ZHOU Yan-min WANG Fu-qing
- 摘要:
随着人口的逐步老龄化,发达国家对养老居住模式进行了探索,目前多确立了以居家养老为主的模式。我国老龄人口多,增速快,且未富先老,老年人的养老居住问题逐渐凸显。国家当前制定了“以居家养老为主”的政策。目前我国居家养老的硬件环境和服务体系都有待完善。其中,老年住宅的科学设计是营造安全、舒适的养老居住环境的重要基础。 - 关键词:
老龄化;居住模式;居家养老;老年住宅; - Abstract: With the gradual aging of the population, the developed countries have explored several settlement patterns for the seniors. Currently, most of them have established the "home-care-based" model. China faces serious problems of the extremely large aged population. And still, there is another great population stepping into the aged group without enough financial support. These problems of the seniors, especially on their housing, have become more and more apparent. Although the Chinese government has also established a policy for pension mainly based on home-care model, China's physical living environment and home care service system are still to be improved. The scientific design manuals of senior housing for contributing a safe and comfortable living environment are to be sought, as the basis of the future improvement.
- Key words: aging; settlement patterns; home care; senior housing
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