- 土地
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)11-0064-05
- 中图分类号:F293.2 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:林莉,珠海市规划设计院,研究方向为城市规划与设计;
- 再思土地利用的相容性——新形势下土地利用模式的思考
- New Thoughts on Compatibility of Land under New Situations
- 浏览量:
- 林莉 王英行
- LIN Li WANG Ying-hang
- 摘要:
本文对土地利用相容性的概念、特性、原则进行了理论分析。针对我国当前城市发展的新形势,从主体思维层面阐述了研究土地利用相容性的“双向思维”,从客体特质层面阐述了土地利用相容性的“二象性”。尝试完善并倡导一种适合于我国当下并促进可持续发展的土地利用模式。 - 关键词:
相容性;兼容控制;双向思维;二象性; - Abstract: This article analyzed the theory of concept, feature and principle of compatibility in land use. It expounds the “two-way thinking” of researching the compatibility in land use from the subject thinking level. It also expounded the “duality” of the compatibility from the object idiosyncrasy level. The article tried to complete and propose a mode of sustainable development of land use for the new situation of urban development in China.
- Key words: compatibility; compatible control; two-way thinking; duality
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