- 城市群
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)11-0086-06
- 中图分类号:TU982 文献标识码:A
- 项目基金:国家社科基金重大项目《科学发展观指导下的中国城镇体系重构研究》(项目编号:08AJY018)阶段性研究成果。
- 作者简介:翟义波,男,北京师范大学博士后科研流动站,天津银行博士后科研工作站,博士后。
- 中国城市群空间分布及其梯队发展研究
- The Study on the Spatial Distribution of Chinese Urban Agglomeration and Echelon Development
- 浏览量:
- 翟义波
- ZHAI Yi-bo
- 摘要:
城市群是城市化的高级阶段,逐渐成为全球新的空间竞争主体单元。伴随着城市化的发展,我国也涌现出了众多规模不等的城市群,成为我国经济核心区。本文根据我国城市群发展实际,提出了划分城市群的新标准,并以此对国内城市群进行重新划分。同时以空间视角,对当前国内城市群的空间分布进行了分析。通过对城市群的分析,可以看出国内城市群具有明显的梯队结构。发展国内城市群,需要重视其内在固有的梯队特性,采用逐步推进、梯度发展的思路。 - 关键词:
城市群;空间分布;梯队发展; - Abstract: Urban agglomeration is the advanced stage of urbanization, and the urban agglomeration has become the new units of spatial competition in global. With the development of urbanization, a number of city groups varying in size have emerged in China and become the core area of our economy. According to the actual development of urban agglomeration in China, the new standard of urban agglomeration has been put forward while the urban group under the new standard has been re-classified. From the space point of view, the current spatial distribution of domestic urban agglomeration is analyzed. Through the analysis of urban agglomeration, urban agglomeration can be found with echelon structure. For the development of domestic urban agglomeration, we need to focus on its inherent echelon characteristics.
- Key words: urban agglomeration; spatial distribution; echelon development
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