  • 低碳城市再聚焦——问题与措施
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)11-0022-09
  • 中图分类号:TU984    文献标识码:A
  • 作者简介:叶祖达,北京大学理学博士,香港规划师学会原会长,ARUP奥雅纳咨询服务公司规划/发展总监。
  • 国外城市区域温室气体清单编制对我国城乡规划的启示
  • Study on the Greenhouse Gas Inventories of Different Cities and Regions and the Implications for Chinese Urban Rural Planning
  • 浏览量:
  • 叶祖达
  • Stanley C T YIP
  • 摘要:
    城乡规划作为应对气候变化的政策平台,城市规划决策者需要有能力明确指出相关的基本排放数据:包括不同规划方案产生的温室气体排放量、规划范围的主要排放源头、排放结构等,编制减少温室气体排放的指标,作为行动计划实施的依据。要科学地建设低碳城市,以城乡规划建设政策控制温室气体排放,温室气体清单编制是十分重要的基础规划要求。但目前我国以地方城市区域为空间单元进行温室气体排放清单研究的工作都还不够,影响了城乡规划和建设领域应对气候变化的政策体系的发展和推进。本文对近年来国外城市或地区温室气体排放清单编制的理论和实践经验进行回顾,以英国的莱斯特市和伦敦市、美国的纽约州和纽约市、及加拿大温哥华市5 个尺度规模不同的地方区域近年编制的温室气体清单为例,总结其对我国城市温室气体清单编制工作的参考作用。最后指出对我国城乡规划建设领域温室气体清单编制工作的启示,并提出三个基本方法和原则:(1)城乡规划建设政策职能匹配;(2)明确解释城乡空间边界的影响;(3)减排目标与进度成果数据公开。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: Urban-rural planning is an important policy platform to respond to the issue of climate change. Planning decision makers need to have the ability to identify the relevant greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory data, compare the GHG emissions represented by different planning proposals, understand the emission sources within the planning areas, the structure of the emissions, and prepare carbon emission mitigation performance indicators for the statutory plans. The inventory is the key basis for any policy initiatives and action plans. In order to gauge the emissions arising from urban development and use the urban rural planning and construction policies to control the GHG emissions, the preparation of GHG inventory is a critical fundamental requirement. However, the current research effort focusing on the local area GHG inventory is not adequate, and hence affecting the effectiveness of the urban rural planning system to manage climate change. This article first compares the various GHG inventory work undertaken recently by cities and regions at 5 different parts of the world (including the City of Leicester and the City of London in the United Kingdom, the New Your City and the New York State in America, as well as the City of Vancouver in Canada. Finally, based on the lessons learned, this articles proposes three fundamental principles in the design of a urban rural planning based GHG inventory for cities or local regions in China. They are: (1) establish matching between GHG emissions categories with the local government policy areas; (2) explain explicitly the implications of spatial boundaries on GHG emissions; and (3) ensure transparency in GHG emission inventory database and report regular data update to the public, in order to facilitate public awareness on climate change.
  • Key words: climate change; low-carbon cities; greenhouse gas inventory; urban rural planning
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