- 土地
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)11-0069-07
- 中图分类号:F293.2 文献标识码:A
- 作者简介:肖林橙,南京大学建筑与城市规划学院,城市规划与设计系硕士研究生;
- 机场镇土地再利用研究——以南京市六合区马鞍镇为例
- Land Reuse of The Airport Town:A Case Study of Ma’an Town in Luhe District, Nanjing
- 浏览量:
- 肖林橙 葛幼松
- XIAO Lin-cheng GE You-song
- 摘要:
本文从机场对城镇的影响方面,讨论了机场的建设和运营影响城镇土地利用的因素,具体包括产业导向的改变,环境上对城镇建设的影响和约束以及区域交通对城镇的影响,从以上3 个方面对机场镇的土地利用做了理论和实践上的研究,提出了机场所在城镇土地利用开发应注意的事项。在此基础上,对南京市六合机场所在镇——马鞍镇的土地利用进行了实证研究,分析了影响其土地利用的外在和内在的有利条件及制约因素,提出了马鞍镇土地利用功能分区的建议和设想,希望本文的研究对今后机场镇的土地利用规划及发展建设作出一些贡献。 - 关键词:
机场;小城镇;土地利用;环境影响; - Abstract: The construction and operation of the airport have a great influence on land use of the town. The paper makes the research on three aspects of the change of the industry, the environment impact and the influence of region transportation in land use of the airport town, and proposes the items which should be paid attention to in the town land use development. Based on this, it makes the empirical study about the land use of Ma’an town, which is located near Nanjing Luhe airport, analyzes the intrinsic advantage and the restriction factors that affect the land use of the town, puts forward the proposal and the tentative plan land of land utilization function.
- Key words: airport;small towns;land use;environmental impact
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