- 特稿
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)11-0092-05
- 中图分类号:F291.1 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:宋启林,中国城市规划设计研究院教授、高级规划师,1993年起,获国务院特殊贡献津贴。著有《中国现代城市土地利用学》(中国建筑工业出版社1992年)等等。
- 我国城市化道路回顾与前瞻
- Review and Prospective of China’s Urbanization
- 浏览量:
- 宋启林
- SONG Qi-lin
- 摘要:
中国城市化是从新中国成立以后开始的,它虽具有世界城市化的共有规律性,但更具有自己的特殊性。它关注城乡矛盾关系,长期受农业、农村、农民问题的困扰,一直在探寻城乡协调统筹之路。在经过前30 年的反复折腾后,终于在改革开放的后30 年中摸索到农民比较认可、城市政府支持的城市化之路。特别是包产地和宅基地的农民家庭拥有和城市政府的土地财政。城市化突飞猛进。未来30 年将可基本实现城市化。但要居安思危。继续调整进城农民工合理权益。利用城中村宅基地及村集体土地,解决农民工租住的保障房。 - 关键词:
城乡统筹协调;城市土地财政;农民工最低保障;农民工廉租房; - Abstract: China's urbanization started after the founding of new China. Although it has the common rule of urbanization, it has its own unique characteristics. It focuses on the contradictory relationship between urban and rural areas, which has long been under the disturbances of problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers and has been exploring the road of co-ordination of for urban and rural areas. And finally we found a way of urbanization commonly accepted by both farmers and governments. Especially, China’s urbanization develops rapidly and the next 30 years will basically realize urbanization. But we should be vigilant, and continue to adjust the legitimate interests of migrant workers. We should solve the problem of urban village homestead and village collective land and the problem of migrant workers’ rent security room.
- Key words: coordinated urban and rural areas; urban land finance; minimum protection of migrant workers; low-rent housing of migrant workers
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