  • 发展战略
  • 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)11-0076-06
  • 中图分类号:F291.1    文献标识码:B
  • 项目基金:2011年度北京市教委社科重点项目《北京建设世界城市与京津冀一体化发展》和2011年度北京市自然科学基金《北京依托首都圈建设世界城市的路径研究》(项目批准号:9112004)的阶段性成果,是北京市教委科研基地——科技创新平台——“都市圈研究中心(三期)”的研究成果(PXM2010014205096577)。
  • 作者简介:祝尔娟,首都经济贸易大学城市学院教授、博士生导师、首都经济研究所所长; 吴常春,首都经济贸易大学城市学院区域经济学专业硕士研究生; 李妍君,首都经济贸易大学城市学院区域经济学专业硕士研究生。
  • 世界城市建设与区域发展——对北京建设世界城市的战略思考
  • World City Construction and Regional Development ——The Strategic Thinking of Building Beijing into a World City
  • 浏览量:
  • 祝尔娟 吴常春 李妍君
  • ZHU Er-juan WU Chang-chun LI Yan-jun
  • 摘要:
    世界城市的形成发展与所在都市圈存在着共生互动的内在关系。世界城市必然崛起于世界增长重心地区最具实力的城市群之中;世界城市的形成发展需要所在城市区域的强大支撑;世界城市是中心城市与周边地区相互作用的产物。北京依托首都圈建设世界城市,有利于疏解人口资源环境交通等压力,有利于增强其经济整体实力和对全球经济的影响力和控制力。世界增长重心向中国转移,为北京建设世界城市提供了历史机遇;京津人均G D P 均超过1 万美元,为京津同城化发展奠定了重要基础;京津冀三地发展阶段的不同步性,为重构区域产业分工新格局提供了重要契机。推进首都圈建设是北京建设世界城市的有效途径和现实选择。
  • 关键词:
  • Abstract: There is a symbiotic interaction in the formation and development of world cities and the metropolitan area. The world city must rise in the world's most powerful city group; world city formation and development needs strong support of urban areas; world city is the interaction product of center city and surrounding area. Beijing relies on the capital circle to construct the world city, which will ease the pressure of population, resources and environment, transportation, etc., enhance its overall economic strength, influentce and control force in the global economy. World growth center shift to the Asian and China provides a historic opportunity for building Beijing into a world city. That the Beijing and Tianjin per capita GDP exceeded $10000 has laid an important foundation for the development of Beijing and Tianjin city. The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region development stage is non-synchronous, which provides an important opportunity to a new pattern of regional industrial division. Promoting the construction of capital circle is an effective way and realistic choice to build Beijing into a world city.
  • Key words: world city; Beijing; metropolitan circle; capital circle; regional cooperation
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