- 规划
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)11-0049-08
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:张中华,男,安徽淮北人,西安建筑科技大学建筑学院博士、讲师,主要城市规划理论与方法及城市日常生活空间结构研究;
- 日常城市体系下社区阶层耦合资源结构的公正性配置与控制性规划
- Daily Urban System Resources under the Community-Level Structure of the Fairness of the Coupling Configuration and Control Planning
- 浏览量:
- 张中华 王兴中
- ZHANG Zhong- hua WANG Xing-zhong
- 摘要:
20 世纪70 年代以后,西方发达国家大城市已开始进入了后工业化发展阶段,这一时期西方城市最为明显的特征是“日常城市体系下的空间社会文化转向”,以社区为单位的城市日常生活空间呈现出典型的阶层化特征,代表了后现代西方城市社会阶层的生活行为规律,建构了(日常生活)城市体系下城市居民生活场所( 或社区资源) 的时空对应模式。探讨城市社会生活空间结构的变化特征,是当代城市问题和空间规划研究的重要方面。研究认为,城市发展阶段的不同必将对应不同的社会阶层化空间特征;通过解构日常城市体系下的城市社会空间结构演变特征,研究社区阶层耦合资源结构(社会公正)配置规划和控制。从而为当代中国城市社区规划提供崭新思维。 - 关键词:
社会阶层化;日常城市体系;社区资源;公正配置;规划控制; - Abstract: Since the 1970s, big cities in Western countries have begun to enter the post-industrial stage of development and the most obvious characteristic during this period is the "social and cultural shift under the daily urban system" to community-based urban life space, showing the typical features of stratification, representing the post-modern Western urban society of the living pattern of behavior, and constructing a (daily) system under the city urban place to live (or community resources) and the corresponding spacetime model. Spatial structure of urban social life changes characteristic of contemporary urban problems and an important aspect of spatial planning research. Studies suggest that the city will correspond to different stages of development of different spatial characteristics of social stratification under the daily urban system through the deconstruction of the evolution of urban social spatial structure characteristics of community resources coupled with class structure (social justice) configuration planning and control. It provides a new thinking for community planning in contemporary China’s cities.
- Key words: social stratification; the daily urban system; community resources; fair allocation; planning and control
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