- 规划与设计
- 文章编号:1009-6000(2011)12-0034-06
- 中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:B
- 作者简介:刘慧军, 男, 毕业于重庆大学, 学士, 宁波市规划设计研究院。
- 由控规局部调整引发的对当前控规编制的思考——以宁波市宁穿路地段史魏家地块控规调整报告为例
- Reflections of Current Regulatory Planning Compilation Derive from Individual Case Adjustments ——A Case Study of the Shiweijia Block Adjustment Report of Ningchuan Road Lot in Ningbo City
- 浏览量:
- 刘慧军
- LIU Hui-jun
- 摘要:
在分析宁波市宁穿路地段史魏家地块控规调整报告的基础上,反向思考控规编制管理工作面对的困境。提出了控规编制应建立“强制性人口总量”为基准的编制机制;尊重市场经济规律,体现规划的公平性;把握规划的弹性与刚性,控制好可控制的方面,引导难以控制的方面;重视控规编制时的公众参与动态研究。进而对控规编制管理机制的实施与完善提出了若干建议。 - 关键词:
控规;调整;市场经济;弹性与刚性;动态管理; - Abstract: Based upon the analysis of Shiweijia Block adjustment report of Ningchuan Road Lot of Ningbo City, this paper discusses the difficulties faced by current regulatory planning compilation and management in the opposite way .This paper proposes that regulatory planning should build compilation mechanism by setting "mandatory total population" as benchmark; should respect the rules of market economy and reflect fairness of planning; should seize the rigidity and flexibility of the planning as welI as by regulating what can be controlled and guiding what cannot be controlled; should demonstrate the importance of public participation and dynamic research. The Paper also makes several recommendations for the regulatory planning of the implementation and improvement of management.
- Key words: regulatory planning; adjustment; market economy; f lexibility and rigidity; dynamic management
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